People who are in debt often tire of dealing with collection attempts from their creditors. These can make it stressful to check the mail, texts or direct messages. Even answering the phone or the door may invoke stress. Once a person decides that they can’t afford...
American credit card debt reaches record highs
It’s safe to say that Americans use their credit cards a lot. In fact, recent reports say that credit card debt topped $1 trillion earlier this year. This is a record amount, with credit card debt being as high as it has ever been. Compared to last year, the total...
Why are more Gen X and Millennials filing for bankruptcy?
More Gen X and Millennials are filing for bankruptcy now than ever before. This rise shows how much these groups struggle with money problems, like dealing with too much debt and tough economic times. Learning what causes this increase and what it means can help us...
What are bankruptcy exemptions in Massachusetts?
People who need to file for bankruptcy may wonder what’s going to happen to their assets when they file. The answer to this depends on several factors, including the type of bankruptcy, the type of asset it is and the value of the asset. Assets in bankruptcy are...
Why is filing for bankruptcy considered a last resort?
In the face of overwhelming financial hardship, some individuals may recoil at the thought of declaring bankruptcy. For many people, filing for bankruptcy is considered a last resort, reserved only for situations where all other avenues have been exhausted. ...
What happens to your credit score after you file for bankruptcy?
Bankruptcy allows people to relieve overwhelming credit card, medical and personal loan debt. This helps many families that struggle to afford basic necessities because they are focusing on paying off their financial obligations. However, this is one major drawback to...
What should you tell your kids if you’re filing for bankruptcy?
Filing for bankruptcy is a process that can prove to be very stressful, even as the aim of filing for bankruptcy is to provide an individual with the benefits of significant debt relief. While filing for bankruptcy may feel overwhelming, if you’re moving forward with...
What happens if you file for bankruptcy while renting a home?
Filing for bankruptcy can be a stressful decision, especially for those renting a home. Many renters worry about losing their current home or facing difficulties when searching for a new place to rent. However, understanding how bankruptcy actually impacts a rental...
Bankruptcy is likely not your fault
It’s time to change the way people view bankruptcy. Many people feel a significant amount of guilt or even shame. They don’t want to file for bankruptcy. They think that others will judge them for doing so. It almost feels like “cheating” because they took out the...
Should I file for bankruptcy to prevent foreclosure?
If you fear your mortgage lender is about to take your home back then you’ll want to act fast. Losing your home to foreclosure could you put in an even more difficult position than you are already in. Filing for bankruptcy is an option that some people use to prevent...